
12Jun2022: Party Overflow, LeetCode

Created June 12, 2022

I have about 9 minutes to write something up before it goes to 13Jun2022 -

Party Overflow

Today I took a bit of a break compared to yesterday but I still did my coding - first I continued to work a little on Party Overflow - I'm excited because it's getting to the React parts where I had to recall the extension sfc + tab in VSCode to stub up a function - I was able to build out the Nav bar and start the signup/Auth process so I hope to get some more work on that tomorrow and continue to review React and creating components. I've built out the routes in App.jsx and I'm getting a good refresher on how the routes work because I recall in my group project (that was built on MERN stack), I recall needing to use Route functionality but our App.jsx was not the home page or something like this and we had to use the useNavigate hook instead. I have to pull it up to recall, but just working on some of this code helps so much in refreshing the concepts.


I finally signed up for LeetCode (up to now I had been using Codewars) - I really love the UI/UX! I am excited about using it. I solved the first challenge, TwoSums. It took me a 2 attempts to avoid the repeating numbers scenario (adding the same index), but I was able to do it, however... (And this is also something I like about LeetCode over Codewars)

I received a very, very depressing end message..

Runtime: 280 ms, faster than 7.66% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum. Memory Usage: 42.1 MB, less than 92.21% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum.

I'm taking it as feedback to chart my course further, but I was really happy to see that the platform does this kind of feedback. However, something I like a lot more in Codewars is that there are loads of solutions you can just go through when you submit, and in LeetCode, it's a forum you have to click into.

The other thing I noted was the most efficient solutions use Hashmaps, so that is something I will have to learn and study - more DS&A tomorrow!


(And now I just realised the publishing is on PST - so I suppose I always had more time to write but I'll also get to bed so I can study tomorrow).