
19Jun2022: Party Overflow, Hangman, Week in Review

Created June 19, 2022

Party Overflow

I started off my coding practice today looking to work on Party Overflow - I built out the SignIn.jsx page, but when I tried to run it, it started giving me some errors around the ECONN refused. I looked this bug up and they seemed to say add a / to the end of the proxy in package.json but this did not resolve my problem. I tried to change the server to 3001 but this did not help either. I'm still working on debugging this problem - if anyone knows what's up would love to resolve it...really not sure why it's not working but I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later.

Self Taught Programmer

I go back and forth between the books Self Taught Programmer and Self Taught Computer Scientist - I've been telling myself to finish the first book for ages now (I started reading it in December, when I got my new Kindle (then my old one started working again) and I had a subscription to Kindle Unlimited) but I find it hard to do the book on the Kindle - it's hard to reference back. I think books on learning to code definitely translate a lot better on physical paper books - yup all that moving is going to be a lot more work. But anyway the chapter was on making a hangman game - it was pretty cool if I get a chance, I'll probably seek to make a JavaScript version (ooo maybe with React too - although everything seems to just happen on the DOM..I'd have to revisit. Great from writing this DevDojo post I just came up with another idea of a project. But it could be cool - I never thought to recreate Tic Tac Toe on React like a lot of students did. It's nice and easy that this would not require a backend).

One reminder of using the random keyword with Python is how you have to import these libraries - something I remembered today from this exercise.

Week in Review

I suppose also it's been a full week since I started this blog about what I learned today thing - I thought to review a bit on how I feel. I definitely feel better about at least doing one thing, even if it's just 10 minutes I can spare that day, on coding per day. I also feel like my GitHub is healthier and greener as a result, which is wonderful.

I do feel it's a bit restrictive overall - if I plan to spend the day out or away, I won't be able to accomplish my goal very easily (and I guess I do give myself a bit of leeway/leg room to say yeah I'm not feeling too well today - not going to force anything). Being stuck to the desk with little social interaction is a bit hard - I really thank the fact that I have friends abroad with whom I can only text haha otherwise I'd really have very little social interaction and sometimes that drives me a bit crazy.

However, I guess I'm still in the mode that I'm meant to be focusing on this and improving my skills here. I still have a lot I'd like to accomplish in coding even after doing a 4 month bootcamp (it really felt like just the beginning as well...we covered a lot of really important things but didn't get to go too deep into a lot of them unless we studied on our own time, which was really hard given we were 40 hours a week working on this already), and I'm definitely looking at this in the long term and my intention is to set up a good foundation as I continue to learn code.

So overall, I'd give this process a 9/10 in terms of helping me learn. At least...it feels that way, let's let the results speak for themselves when time gets there.

Catt xx