
1Jul2022: CS50

Created July 1, 2022

I typed a beautiful [very long] post about a bunch of things I studied today and hit Publish but it neither published nor saved...and I did not stop it fast enough to CTRL C my whole post but well. Bugs.

So here's the short version. I studied CS50 today. Found out floats are not accurate because they hold memory - which I had never known about. Reviewed data types, conditionals, operators.

The day before I was trying out more ways to get the async to work - it made the call but the render was still happening before the data was loaded. So I will try some other things.

I had written really nice philosophical musings on data types and the whole lack of precision but well I guess wasn't meant to be since DevDojo deleted it. I will CTRL C this time.

Looking forward to studying tomorrow!

Catt xx