
26Jun2022: Data Structures, Party Overflow

Created June 26, 2022

Party Overflow

Again today I worked on Party Overflow - I really like going through all the components again and remembering what building an app looks like (this one also happens to be the classic MERN stack). I built out more of the Create Post functionality - including the controller function as a service imported to the component, and the forms and what not.

Data Structures

I'm in the section of Data Structures in The Self Taught Computer Scientist - I have to say I really am enjoying studying this book, but I also do have to do a lot of the exercises/examples to continue grasping the concepts. The hard part about this is it isn't like building out a web app when I was learning to build a MERN stack app or Nodejs/MEN stack - where you are kind of lost but you just follow along and eventually it starts clicking into place. This stuff I feel like you just need real life examples that cost money and you actually have to consider the trade offs to learn how to best apply data structures and algorithms. I intend to get there someday, so I really want to study it a lot now. I have to say I am reaching a bit to get there, but this is definitely a perfect starting point and the examples being in Python I presume make them easier/more accessible than the Nikolas Wurth book that my most respected engineers mentioned to me (including my dad. Maybe dad and I can write those exercises in Python again when I am back in Taiwan).

Anyway today I reviewed data structures overall as a concept - linear vs nonlinear, static vs dynamic. I got to reviewing Arrays - since I code in JavaScript mostly it's quite familiar, although they do have different qualities it seems in different languages (not just index 0 - being static and homogenous as well). I do recall these concepts when we studied them in GA, about memory allocation and how basically you have to copy and recreate entire sections if you insert a value somewhere not at the end. I recall in one interview I did, they mentioned long, long lists and I was thinking of this in mind while I was studying this. Tomorrow I will get to doing a lot of the list/array manipulations examples in the book.

Repeat and learn!

Catt xx