Catt Codes Diary Blog

June 25, 2022

25Jun2022: Party Overflow, chat about programming

Written by Catt Tung - 1 minute read

Today I worked a little bit on Party Overflow, building out creating a new post and adding it to the navigation and login functionality. Apart from that I didn't tend too much to my coding. I did have a chat with my friend and we talked about a lot o...

June 24, 2022

24Jun2022: Party Overflow, OOP concepts review

Written by Catt Tung - 1 minute read

Party Overflow I finally got back to Party Overflow today and was able to run the proper terminal command to get my backend server running and resolved the bug I was getting in the past. It's always very satisfying to resolve a bug no matter how smal...

June 23, 2022

23Jun2022: CS50, Leetcode

Written by Catt Tung - 1 minute read

Today I was watching/studying from the CS50 Harvard course on edX - classic course everyone talks about studying. It starts with writing programs with scratch and then translating them into C - so far in the lecture at least. It's nice to see some of...

June 22, 2022

22Jun2022: Programming Paradigms, Coding Challenges

Written by Catt Tung - 1 minute read

I've been working on a coding challenge for a while and I think it's time to step away - it works but the exception handling isn't working so I think I will see it with a fresh pair of eyes. I did solve one of them but I was solving a second one call...

June 21, 2022

21Jun2020: Codewars, Flexbox

Written by Catt Tung - 1 minute read

Today I took a bit of a break from the studying and I just did a coding challenge and also did some review on Flexbox through Wes Bos' What the Flexbox course. I didn't get around to much coding but still tried to do a bit. From the Codewars challeng...

June 20, 2022

20Jun2022: LeetCode, Maths

Written by Catt Tung - 2 minute read

Today was another chill day on the coding front, just from a couple other personal priorities taking precedence which are really important for some upcoming reasons. But I am trying to keep up some of this momentum as well. Leetcode Today I did a rea...

June 19, 2022

19Jun2022: Party Overflow, Hangman, Week in Review

Written by Catt Tung - 3 minute read

Party Overflow I started off my coding practice today looking to work on Party Overflow - I built out the SignIn.jsx page, but when I tried to run it, it started giving me some errors around the ECONN refused. I looked this bug up and they seemed to ...

June 18, 2022

18Jun2022: DS&A

Written by Catt Tung - 2 minute read

Today has been really great fun, I started off the day on a good foot finally (thank goodness for not having splitting migraines) with studying more data structures and algorithms in The Self-Taught Computer Scientist. Actually, before I did that, I ...

June 17, 2022

17Jun2022: Party Overflow

Written by Catt Tung - 1 minute read

Today was another day where I took a bit of time off, but I did get a chance to get into Party Overflow in the evening. I was able to complete the Signup portion of the app. I did learn something interesting as I was combing through the CSS code for ...

June 16, 2022

16Jun2022: Party Overflow..friend visit

Written by Catt Tung - 1 minute read

Today I actually didn't get around to studying because I spent the day with my friend from London - I planned to when I got home but I have a migraine from it being kind of cold outside actually when it seemed hot. I hope it isn't a glass of wine giv...

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